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"Бритиш Пате" - картинки - часть 2

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Владимир Коваленко:
2537.12 | DANISH ROYALTY IN PARIS (1:37:10:00 - 1:41:19:00)
King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid of Denmark visit Paris, France.
Unissued / Unused material.

Danish royalty in Paris. France.

LS King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid of Denmark descending from stairs followed by Mr and Mrs Vincent Auriol. LS Royals being entertained by the Auriols. LS guests being introduced to the Royals. LS scene at banquet tables full of candles. LS the Palais de l'Elysees at night with Danish banner hanging from balcony. MS Republican Guards on stairway. LS Royals and Auriols on balcony at night.

Champs Elysees: LS Arc de Triomphe with ceremonial guards. MS mounted Moroccan troops. LS royal car driving past. LS Arc de Triomphe with Danish flag. CU Danish flag flying. MS King alighting from car. LS King taking salute. LS laying a wreath on Tomb of Unknown Warrior. CU wreath.

Various shots of the ceremony at the Tomb. MS Royals signing a register. LS Royals taking the salute. LS royal train arriving at Bois de Boulogne station. LS as the Royals are greeted by the Auriols. LS French and Danish flags flying together. Various shots the procession along Champs Elysees. LS the arrival at Palais de l'Elysees. MS Danish flag.
http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=71880&picno=00 000000&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
2548.06 | MARSHAL TITO ON STATE VISIT TO PARIS (1:18:27:00 - 1:21:52:00)
President Tito of Yugoslavia with President Coty of France during State Visit to Paris.
Unissued / unused footage - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown.

President Tito of Yugoslavia on State Visit to Paris, France.

Various shots of President Tito being driven through streets in open car with escort, saluting and acknowledging crowds. President Tito arriving at Bois de Boulogne station, being greeted by French Prime Minister Guy Mollet, French Foreign Minister Christian Pineau and other top officials. The group walk up the steps, past Guard of Honour.

L/S of Elysee Palace, with guard of honour outside. Tito gets out of open car and inspects Guard of Honour. President Tito, his wife, and President Coty standing on the steps of the Palace. M/S of President Coty pinning medal (French Military medal) on the chest of President Tito, for his military services during World War II (this is France's highest distinction medal for military action). M/S of Tito, his wife and President Coty going into Palace.

Several shots of Tito and others at Arc de Triomphe. C/U of Unknown Warrior's Flame (Arc de Triomphe). President Tito, assisted by two military men, placing wreath onto Tomb of Unknown Soldier and saluting. M/S of President Tito and Coty driving away.
http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=72139&picno=00 000000&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
2826.02 | THE KING AND QUEEN OF GREECE IN FRANCE (1:00:52:00 - 1:06:37:00) 1956
King, Queen & Princess of Greece visit Paris, with Coty, at Quai D'Orsay, laying wreath.
Paris, France.

Documentation on file.

LS. The Quai D'Orsay, with Guard of Honour down steps MS. King Paul and Queen Frederika with their daughter Princess Sophia of Greece, mounting steps. GV. The reception. Various shots, the King, and Queen, Princess and Pres. Coty talking together. MS. Queen Frederika greeting woman, and man. MS. King Paul and Queen Frederika. MS. Queen, Coty and Princess Sophia. CU. King Paul and Queen Frederika. MS. Queen and President Coty. GV. The reception. LS. Train drawing into Bois de Boulogne station. Various shots, the royal party alight and are greeted by Pres. Coty and members of French Cabinet. MS. Group of people in national costume of Greece LS. The Royal party stand to attention as National Anthem is played by military band. LS. King Paul inspects Guard of Honour. LS. Royal Party in car with mounted escort, passing Arc de Triomphe. MS. Royal car past camera (Queen and Princess) MS. Mounted escort. Various shots, cars with King Paul and Pres. Coty passing camera. LS. Royal cars along road. LS. GV. Elysees Palace with Guard of Honour outside. LS. King Paul alights from car. MS. Guard of Honour. MS. King Paul and Pres. Coty inspects Guard of Honour. Various shots, King Paul and Pres. Coty inspect Guard of Honour. Various shots, King and Pres. Coty up steps of Elysee Palace to join Queen and Princess (where the Royals are staying). MS. Cameramen. MS. King and Queen meeting V.I.P's MS. Queen and Princess. Various shots, the King walking to Tomb of Unknown Warrior and laying wreath on same, and taking the salute as the band of the Garde Republicane play "Taps" MS. Naval Guard of Honour. Various shots, the King and Queen and Pres. Coty boarding motorboat. Pan from Naval Guard of Honour at base of Eiffel Tower, to the Royal party on board boat. LS. The boat moving up along. Pan from Eiffel Tower to Royal Party chatting on board. Various shots of the Royal party on board pointing out famous landmarks. Various shots, the Royal party alight and walk to the Hotel de Ville with an escort of Paris policemen, and being greeted upon their arrival. MS. The King and Queen signing Visitor's Book. MS. The King and Queen and others, enter room.

(Dupe Neg & F.G.)

http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=78623&picno=00 000000&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=78623&picno=00 000101&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
2976.13 | FASHIONS IN KNITWEAR (1:10:41:00 - 1:12:57:00) 1960
Knitted fashions are displayed in Pavilion d'Armenonville in the heart of the Bois de Boulogne.
Paris, France.

Documentation on file.

Various shots of knitted fashions being displayed in the Pavilion d'Armenonville in the heart of the Bois de Boulogne.

(Mute F.G.)

http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=80509&picno=00 000000&sif=0


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