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"Бритиш Пате" - картинки - часть 2

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Владимир Коваленко:
Обратим взоры на Булонский лес. Из всего списка поиска по фразе "bois de boulogne" я скачивал только ролик о гонке.
337.07 | PARIS ( LA VIE PARISIENNE ) (1:48:53:00 - 1:55:50:00) 14/12/1965
All aspects of the Parisian life are covered in this travelogue - from food markets to river cruises.
Paris, France.

Various shots of neon signs, including the famous Moulin Rouge Windmill. L/S of an 'Pan American' airliner taxiing on a runway. C/U of a man in a pilot's uniform watching the plane land. Low angle shot of people coming down the steps of the plane.

Point of view shot from inside a car driving by the River Seine, in the distance is the Eiffel Tower. Various shots following a young couple in a small car as they drive around Paris, they drive under the Eiffel Tower. Low angle panning shot of the tower. Point of view shot looking out from a lift going up the tower. Various panoramic views of Paris from the tower from the couples' point of view.

L/S of Sacre Coeur. M/S of an artist in Montmartre painting the Sacre Coeur. Various shots of a woman having her portrait done in the Place de Tertre. Various shots of artists at work. A fashion model is seen being photographed in the Place.

L/S of the Opera. Various shots of antiquated green buses on the Paris streets. Point of view shots looking out from the back of a bus. Various shots of Les Halles, a food market - meat and vegetables are seen being bought. Various shots of tourists wandering along the Left Bank buying books and prints, occasional glimpses of Notre Dame cathedral.

Various shots of exotic birds in cages being sold on a market. Various C/Us of cordon bleu dishes being served in a posh restaurant; wine is seen being poured, meat is seen being fried. Various shots of the couple drinking outside a cafe. The couple get back into their car and are seen driving around Le Place de la Concorde. Various shots of the couple driving down the leafy Bois de Boulogne, the car has to stop to allow a miniature train to cross the road.

Various shots of the race course at Longchamp. A jockey on a horse is seen trotting past the spectator stands. Various shots of the gentile spectators there for the prestigious Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe. L/S of English race horse, 'Sea Bird the Second', winning the race.

Panning shot of a small version of the Statue of Liberty. Various shots of an 'aquabus' full of tourists going down the Seine, nice views of bridges. Various shots of Notre Dame, fantastic views of the Seine from the top of the cathedral, with gargoyles in the foreground. Panning shot of stained glass windows inside cathedral. More shots of the "naughty night lights" off the red light district.

Notes: cuts exist - please refer to separate record.
http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=3029&picno=000 00000&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=3029&picno=000 00201&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
811.11 | INTERNATIONAL CROSS - COUNTRY (1:13:24:00 - 1:14:49:00)
Belgian runner wins the international cross-country race in France.
Full title reads: "INTERNATIONAL CROSS-COUNTRY - Belgian Champion wins run across Bois de Boulogne."

Bois de Boulogne, France.

Various shots of the massive international cross country race - 1400 entries, says voiceover. Various shots of the men running through the countryside, across fields, roads, ditches, small streams etc. Belgian runner wins he race (Victor Anreau). Close up shot of the winner.
http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=9703&picno=000 00000&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
2096.07 | (BOIS DE BOULOGNE CAR RACE) (1:12:31:00 - 1:13:39:00)
Motor racing - First post-war Grand Prix de Automobile Club in the Bois de Boulogne.
Unissued / Unused Material -


First post-war Grand Prix de Automobile Club in the Bois de Boulogne. Various good shots of motor cars racing. Some of the crowd cover their heads with paper hats to protect them from the sun. CU winner Pierre Jean Vimille.

Paperwork suggests material dates from May 30th 1946.
http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=66761&picno=00 000000&sif=0

Владимир Коваленко:
2483.06 | DE GAULLE'S MAY DAY RALLY (1:28:01:00 - 1:28:50:00) 1949
Huge crowd listening to De Gaulle.
Paris, France.

De Gaulle's May day rally. Documentation states his main points covered strong action against French communists, greater effort at building up French defence and was severe on present Govt for 'sacrificing French interests' to British & American ideas about Germany.

LS. General view of huge Crowd at De Gaulle rally in the Bois D Boulogne. LS. The open air rostrum showing the tricolour flying from it. LMS. Gen Charles de Gaulle walking to front of platform spreading arms in characteristic gesture LS. Elevated shot of massed crowd waving. LS. De Gaulle on platform. LMS. De Gaulle addressing crowd. MS. Back view de Gaulle addressing crowd. SCU. Side view de Gaulle speaking and gesturing. SCU. Back view de Gaulle silhouetted against crowd background. LMS. Elevated applauding crowd. LS. The Rostrum with de Gaulle addressing crowd and flag flying. SCU. Good shot of the French tricolour fluttering.

(Mute. B/W.)

http://imagen.britishpathe.com/scripts/ImgRetrieve.dll?GetPic&recno=71154&picno=00 000000&sif=0


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