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Ален Прост (Alain Prost)

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Артём Зайков:
Извиняюсь за невнимательность.Просто я давно читал Ральфа Эмерсона,думал есть кто-нибудь знаменитый не из автогонок с фамилией Пике

Владимир Коваленко:

Очень интересная статья Найджела Робака: Reflections with Nigel Roebuck - Why Prost had the edge on Senna (Motorsport 2015.04).pdf.

Владимир Коваленко:

Из интервью с Фрэнком Уильмсом Lunch with Frank Williams (Motorsport - 2015.05).pdf:

--- Цитировать ---Alain was very gifted.
I remember his season with us with great
fondness, because politically he wasn’t any
trouble. Nigel was much harder work. And
Alain was so smooth. It was extraordinary.
When you watched him in qualifying it didn“t
look quick at all, and then: Bloody hell, look
at those lap times.

--- Конец цитаты ---

Владимир Коваленко:
Alain Prost - A true Great (Racer - 2015.05).pdf

Владимир Коваленко:

Из интервью с Патриком Хедом:

--- Цитировать ---Alain was a bit of an enigma to us. I'm sure he wasn't like that at McLaren, but he'd had this experience of feeling he'd been pushed out of McLaren by Ayrton Senna. So he came to us and won the 1993 world championship - but it was a almost like he came and he went. He walked in this door and he walked out the other door and we never really knew him. He and his engineer, David Brown, worked closely together but I'm nut sure that even David Brown knew him. We didn't really get to know the personality' of Alain Frost.
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