Автор Тема: "Однажды..." №2 - Джон Майлз в 1992 году  (Прочитано 7856 раз)

Оффлайн Владимир Коваленко

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"Однажды..." №2 - Джон Майлз в 1992 году
« : Сентября 12, 2020, 20:34:33 »



But my favourite John Miles story, at least of those I witnessed, came in around 1992. The Autocar road test team were in a meeting room at Lotus, being taught by John the Lotus way to drive and assess cars. The telephone rings. John scowls and ignores it. After a while it stops ringing and then almost immediately starts again. John grabs the receiver and growls ‘what?’ into the mouthpiece. The rest of his side of the conversation went something like this.
‘No I can’t, I’m busy.’
‘Well where is he?’
‘It’ll have to wait.’
‘I told you I’m busy.’
‘Oh bloody hell. Alright I’m on my way.’
He slams down the receiver, turns to us and says, ‘Look, I’m sorry. I have to go and do something. Apparently there’s no one else in this entire organisation who can do it. I’ll be back in an hour.’ Whereupon he turns and marches out of the room.
About 20 minutes later we hear the searing scream of a modern Formula 1 car howling around the Hethel track. We find out from one of his colleagues that Mika Hakkinen’s plane had been delayed, so it is John out there shaking down Lotus’ very latest F1 machine. An hour later he is back in the classroom, apologises once more, picks up where he left off and never mentions it again.

Если кто-то чего-то не может, не умеет или не понимает, он доказывает, что это никому не нужно и даже вредно.