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Заказ №74 - Back on Track: Racing In The 1940s

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Влад Шайхнуров:

--- Цитата: Владимир Коваленко от Апреля 25, 2019, 00:09:35 ---
--- Цитата: Влад Шайхнуров от Апреля 18, 2019, 04:51:11 ---
Кстати, в самом издательстве "Фондацьоне Негри" книга стоит 180 Евро. Все дешевле.

--- Конец цитаты ---

Дай ссылку, пожалуйста. Я на самом деле, скорее всего, перепутал: 180 не фунтов, а евро.

--- Конец цитаты ---
На обложке сзади:
Order the book

mail at: mail@negri.it

Но на страничке издательства этой книги нет. Возможно, не обновили. Но вот что пишет Роджер Кларк в соответствующей ветке на TNF : I apologise for starting a new thread instead of using the existing one for books, but this book is too important to risk getting lost in the general discussion there. The moderators can merge the threads if they disagree.

Long term members of the forum will know the author through his posts here and won’t need me to add anything about his knowledge and the thoroughness of his research. A few may have his book on OM cars.

The book deals with Racing in the 1940s - 340 races at 180 different venues, 626 drivers with their complete racing records and a list of 720 other drivers mentioned in the text. All cars that took part in the 340 races are listed by make and serial numbers with complete racing appearances. This is a badly under documented period of motor racing history but the book does much more than fill a gap. It seriously raises the bar for this type of racing history. If you have any interest in this period of racing you must have this book. If you do not have that interest, get it and you soon will have.

There are 1080 pages and 1073 images. The text is in English written, as far as I can tell, with the accuracy and precision that one would expect from a professor of mathematics. The design and production quality are superb with quality paper and a robust slipcase.

The acknowledgements mention, among othesr, Adam Ferrington, Richard Armstrong, Mattijs Diepraam, Jean-Maurice Gigleux, Tony Kaye, David McKinney, Barry Lake, Doug Nye, Rob Young, Aldo Zana and TNF itself.

It is produced in 300 numbered copies, all signed by the author. I don’t know whether there is a UK distributor; I ordered mine from the publishers, Fondazione Negri. They can be contacted at info@negri.it. I found them helpful and prompt to deal with.

The cost is 180 euros, shipping to the UK was 20 euros. It is not cheap but true quality never is.

Влад Шайхнуров:
Владимир, не запрашивал цену с доставкой?

Владимир Коваленко:
Нет, сегодня спрошу.

Владимир Коваленко:
Только сегодня утром отправил письмо с вопросом.

Владимир Коваленко:

--- Цитата: Влад Шайхнуров от Апреля 25, 2019, 10:44:55 ---
mail at: mail@negri.it

--- Конец цитаты ---

Адрес не тот, правильный - info@negri.it.


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