1900 г.
Holmes E.L. Record of the Pioneer Trip of the Thomson Motor Car. 16 c.
1901 г.
Betts Ritchie G. Faster Than Locomotive. New York. 7 c.
1906 г.
Buist H. Massac The Motor Year-Book And Automobilist's Annual. London. 320 c.
Jarrott Charles Ten Years of Motors and Motor Racing.
1907 г.
Barzini Luigi Pekin to Paris. London. 308 c.
1908 г.
Barzini Luigi La Metà del Mondo Vista da Un'Automobile. Milano. 523 c.
Barzini Luigi Pekin to Paris. Reprint. Leipzig. 558 c.
Isendahl Walther Automobil und Automobil Sport. 2 Vols. Berlin. 550 c.
von Lengerke Berger Automobil-Rennen und Wettbewerbe - Berlin. 174 с.
1909 г.
Scarfoglio Antonio Round The World In A Motor Car. 368 c.
1912 г.
Jarrott Charles Ten Years of Motors and Motor Racing. 2nd Edition. 297 c.
1914 г.
Mann J. J. Round The World In A Motor Car. 368 c.
1917 г.
Barzini Luigi La Metà del Mondo Vista da Un'Automobile. 4 Edizione. Milano. 523 c.
1918 г.
Barzini Luigi La Metà del Mondo Vista da Un'Automobile. 4 Edizione. Reprint. Milano. 523 c.
1924 г.
Barzini Luigi La Metà del Mondo Vista da Un'Automobile. 5 Edizione. Milano. 523 c.
1926 г.
Hofmann Ing. Rich. Automobil und Automobilsport. Berlin. 286 c.
1928 г.
Jarrott Charles Ten Years of Motors and Motor Racing. 3rd Edition. 297 c.
Seagrave, H.O.D. The Lure of Speed. London. 286 c.
Seagrave, H.O.D. The Lure of Speed. 2nd Edition. London. 286 c.
1929 г.
Barzini Luigi La Metà del Mondo Vista da Un'Automobile. 6 Edizione. Milano. 523 c.
Campbell Malcolm Speed Through The Ages. London.
Isbert Adolf 30 Jahre Auto. Persönliche Erinnerungen. Frankfurt. 224 c.
1930 г.
Jalsovitzky Sándor & Krisztinkovich Béla A Királyi Magyar Automobil Club Jubiláris Aranykönyve. Budapest. 332 c.
1931 г.
Campbell Malcolm The Boys' Life of Sir Henry Segrave. London. 284 c.
Day James Wentworth Speed: The authentic life of Sir Malcolm Campbell. London. 288 c.
1932 г.
Birkin Henry Tim Full Throttle. London. 291 c.
Davis Sammy Casque's Sketch Book. Motor Racing in Lighter Vein. London. 60 c.
Davis Sammy Motor Racing. London. 305 c.
Day James Wentworth Speed: The authentic life of Sir Malcolm Campbell. 3rd Edition. London. 288 c.
Seagrave, H.O.D. The Lure of Speed. 3rd Edition. London. 288 c.
Seagrave, H.O.D. The Lure of Speed. 4th Edition. London. 288 c.
1933 г.
Birkin Henry Tim Full Throttle. 2nd Edition. London. 291 c.
Déván Stefan von Automobil und Motorrad Weltalmanach. Budapest. 257 c.
Eyston, G.E.T. Flat Out. London. 219 c.
Lyndon Barre Combat: A Motor Racing History. London. 333 c.
Stuck Hans & Burggaller Ernst Das Autobuch. Berlin. 256 c.
Stuck Hans Peters Großer Preis. Berlin. 152 c.
Welander Rolf Fart - Racersporten Och Dess Mästare. Stockholm. 311 c.
1934 г.
Bobby and Nobby See the European Road Races. Johannesburg. 16 c.
Campbell Malcolm The Book of Speed. London. 149 c.
Davis Sammy Motor Racing. London. 3rd Edition. 312 c.
Day James Wentworth Kaye Don - The Man. 288 c.
Edge S.F. My Motoring Reminiscences. London. 272 c.
Eyston, G.E.T. Flat Out. Reprint.London. 219 c.
Lyndon Barre Circuit Dust. 300 c.
1935 г.
Campbell Malcolm My Thirty Years of Speed. Reprint. London. 270 c.
Campbell Malcolm The Book of Speed. 2nd Edition. London. 149 c.
Campbell Malcolm The Romantic Story of Motor Racing. London. 300 c.
Caracciola Rudolf & Weller Oskar Rennen-Sieg-Rekorde. Stuttgart. 102 c.
Chula Prince of Siam Wheels at Speed. 135 с.
Davis Sammy More Sketches By Casque: Racing Rallies And Trials As They Often Are. 68 c.
De Paolo Peter Wall smacker: The Saga of the Speedway. 271 c.
Déván Stefan von Automobil und Motorrad Weltalmanach. Reprint. Budapest.
Lyndon Barre Grand Prix. London. 264 c.
Lyndon Barre Motor Racing And Record Breaking. London. 116 c.
Lyndon Barre The Book of Speed. London. 160 c.
Meurer Adolf Der Kraftsport im Neuen Deutschland. Berlin.
Rosemann Ernst Hans Stuck. Berlin. 95 c.
Stuck Hans Der Bergkönig. Berlin. 172 c.
1936 г.
Campbell Malcolm Full gas! Stockholm. 201 c.
Campbell Malcolm The Romance of Motor Racing. London. 300 c.
Chula Prince of Siam Wheels at Speed. London. 112 с.
Edge S.F. My Motoring Reminiscences. Reprint. London. 272 c.
Eyston George & Bradley W.F. Speed on Salt. London. 84 c.
How To Build Midget Racers. Detroit. 64 c.
Lyndon Barre Combat: A Motor Racing History. Reprint. London. 333 c.
Lyndon Barre Motor Racing And Record Breaking. Reprint. London. 116 c.
Monkhouse George Motoraces. London. 128 c.
New Motoring Encyclopedia. Part 1. London. 842 c.
Stuck Hans & Burggaller Ernst Motoring Sport. London. 206 c.
1937 г.
Campbell Malcolm My Thirty Years of Speed. Reprint. London. 270 c.
Campbell Malcolm Sir Malcolm Campbell's Book Of Famous Motorists. London, New York. 176 c.
Campbell Malcolm The Romantic Story of Motor Racing. Reprint. London. 300 c.
Chula Prince of Siam Road Racing 1936. London. 176 с.
Hornickel Ernst Wer Wußte das von Rosemeyer? Stuttgart. 92 c.
Monkhouse George Motoraces. London. Reprint. 180 c.
Rosemann Ernst Um Kilometer und Sekunden. Stuttgart. 140 c.
Schumm Alfred Das kleine Autobuch. Hamburg. 239 c.
1938 г.
Beinhorn Elly Bernd Rosemeyer. Mein Mann, der Rennfahrer. Berlin. 213 с.
Bretz Hans Bernd Rosemeyer. Ein Leben Für den Deutschen Sport. Berlin. 120 c.
Bretz Hans Mannschaft und Meisterschaft. Eine Bilanz der Grand-Prix-Formel 1934-1937. Stuttgart. 119 c.
Campbell Malcolm A Key to Motoring. London, Johannesburg. 183 c.
Chula Prince of Siam Road Star Hat Trick. 183 с.
Monkhouse George Motor Racing with Mercedes-Benz. London. 167 c.
Rosemann Ernst Um Kilometer und Sekunden. Reprint. Stuttgart. 140 c.
Смирнов З.К. Автомобильный спорт. 28 с.
1939 г.
Beinhorn Elly Berlin-Kapstadt-Berlin. Mein 28000-km-Flug nach Afrika. Berlin. 158 с.
Caracciola Rudolf Mein Lebenals Rennfahrer. Berlin. 170 c.
Chula Prince of Siam Road Star Hat Trick. Reprint. London. 183 с.
Eyston, G.E.T. Fastest On Earth. London. 176 c.
Howe Earl Motor Racing. The Lonsdale Library Vol XXVII. London. 256 c.
Monkhouse George Autorennen mit Mercedes-Benz. München. 143 c.
Stuck Hans Sekunden Erobern die Welt. Berlin. 192 c.
Корзинкин С.И. Автомобильные и мотоциклетные кроссы. Москва. Тир. 3000 экз. 28 с.
Beinhorn Elly Berlin-Kapstadt-Berlin. Mein 28000-km-Flug nach Afrika. Reprint. Berlin. 158 с.
Davis Sammy Casque's Sketch Book. Motor Racing in Lighter Vein. Reprint. 60 c.
Fothergill C. Story of Grand Prix Racing. 28 c.
Hornickel Ernst Das sind unsere Rennfahrer. Stuttgart. 143 c.
Автомобильный и мотоциклетный спорт. Москва. Тир. 4000 экз. 104 с.
1941 г.
Chula Prince of Siam Dick Seaman. Racing Motorist. London. 382 c.
Chula Prince of Siam Bits and Pieces. London. 192 c.
Бекман В.В. Гоночные автомобили. Москва, Ленинград. Тир. 2000 экз. 158 с.
Грингаут Е. Мотоциклетные кроссы. Москва. Тир. 5000 экз. 24 с.
1942 г.
Stuck Hans Manner Hinter Motoren: Ein Rennfahrer Erzahlt. Berlin.
1943 г.
Birkin Henry Tim Full Throttle. ? Edition. London.
Chula Prince of Siam Dick Seaman. Racing Motorist. 2nd Edition. London. 189 c.
Lang Hermann Vom Rennmonteur zum Europameister. München. 191 c.
1944 г.
Campbell Malcolm Sir Malcolm Campbell's Book Of Famous Motorists. Reprint. 176 c.
Chula Prince of Siam Road Star Hat Trick. 2nd Edition. London. 183 c.
1945 г.
Birkin Henry Tim Full Throttle. ? Edition. London.
Chula Chakrabongse H.R.H. Prince of Thailand Dick Seaman. Racing Motorist. 3rd Edition. London. 189 с.
Chula Prince of Siam Road Star Hat Trick. 3rd Edition. London. 183 с.
Dick Adam McGregor Story of Dick Brothers (Motors) Ltd. 1895 - 1945. Kilmarnock. 32 c.
Jenkins Ab & Ashton Wendell J. Salt of the Earth. 78 c.
May C.A.N. Wheelspin: Competition Motoring From the Driver's Seat. London. 174 c.
Monkhouse George Motor Racing with Mercedes-Benz. Reprint. Los Angeles. 176 c.