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Владимир Коваленко:
Два интересных лота на "И-бэе".

1972 FIA YEAR BOOK OF AUTOMOBILE SPORT с отдельно изданным приложением J:


Сергей Мингазов:
Прелестный по своему идиотизму образец копипасты из какой-то книги или статьи рубежа 1980х-90х, легким движением чиновничьего пера превращенный в современный отчёт о партнерах федеральной целевой программы: http://www.fcp-pbdd.ru/experience/214/23914/ . Понятно, что ни ФИСА, ни Комитетов в ФИА уже двадцать лет как нет. Но для нас этот текст интересен, так как подробно описывает структуру ФИА эпохи Балестра.

Сергей Мингазов:


--- Цитировать ---MotorSport, Page 34, April 1976

Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA)

MENTION is frequently made to the FIA and its various working groups without being more specific than referring to "them", and usually in derogatory terms in the same way as most people refer to Iler Majesty's Government.' This is not surprising in view of the fact that the PIA is the government of motor sport in all its facets, from Kart racing to Formula One racing and Autocross to the Safari Rally, and has been since competition between two mechanically propelled vehicles first took place, though over the years the title of this governing body has been changed. As the title indicates, it is a French-inspired organisation, with its headquarters in Paris, which is only right and proper as the French started it all in 1894, with the first motoring competition from Paris to Rouen. Over the years there have been those who would like to transfer the centre of control from Paris to London, Geneva, or some other unlikely place, but all to no avail, for moving the motoring government from Paris would be like moving our Government from Westminster or the Queen from Buckingham Palace.

In the early days there was such a small amount of motoring Competition taking place each year that a handful of people in Paris could control the whole thing, keeping in touch with neighbouring National motoring clubs, like our own Royal Automobile Club, by normal written correspondence. Today, with hundreds of motoring events taking place each month, with member clubs throughout the World, and the enormous variety of motoring activities to be administered to, the make-up of the FIA is enormous, with sub-committees specialising in each activity and representation really World-wide. Although most of us harangue the MA or its various committees at various times, we rarely give them any praise, but if it was not for the overall management in Paris, there would not be any motoring competition as we know it. Stemming from the top it is the FIA or its committees that keep our sport on an even keel in respect of the laws of the various lands, and if we did not have this overall government, motoring sport in many countries would have long since been outlawed and any competitive motoring would have to be done in the small hours when officialdom and the laws of the land were not watching. It might not go amiss to look a little closer at some of the Committees and some of the people who keep the administration wheels turning so that the Colin Chapmans, Eric Broadleys and Ralph Broads of the World are not keeping their own wheels turning in vain. Not only do all aspects of the sport come under the jurisdiction and control of the FIA, but all aspects of everyday motoring as well, so the parent body turned over all sporting considerations to the Commission Sportive Internationale (CSI). The President of the CSI is Pierre Ugeux of Belgium and his Secretary is Frenchman Claude Le Guezec. There are eighty-one countries affiliated to the FIA for sporting purposes, of which 21 have two representatives apiece on the CSI, from as far afield as Argentina to Sweden and Canada to South Africa. While most countries are represented by businessmen with time to spare or permanent staff of the National Club, like our own Dean Delamont and

Tye of the Royal Automobile Club, some names are unknown and even unpronounceable, while others are well-known, like Argentina's representatives, J. M. Fangio and J. M. 13ordett. Germany fields Huschke von Hanstein as one of her representatives and France has Guy Verrier.

Naturally this group of people cannot cope with everything, so committees are formed to specialise and from England Basil Tye and A. T. Burgess sit on a special group dealing with Kart racing. There are eight subcommittees to cover all aspects of motoring competitions and these are listed below with Great Britain's representatives in each case and other noteworthy members.

1. Technical Regulations : President: Curt Schild (CH). Vice-President; Paul Frere (B). Among the members are Dean Delamont (GB) and journalist Gerard Crombac (F).
2. Sporting Regulations : President: Pierre Ugeux (B). Vice-l'resident: Victor Ceard (1). Among the members arc Chris Belton (GB), Huschke von Hanstein (D) and Guy Verrier (F).
3. Circuits and Safety: President: Tom Binford (USA). Vice-President: H. Schmitz (D). Among the members are Basil Tye (GB), Bob Hanna (CND) and Guy Vernier (H.
4. Rallies: President: Alexandre Dardoufas (OR). Among the members are Jack Kemsley (GB), Claude Fin (MC), Cesare Mori° (I) and Jean Todt (F).
5. Off Road Activities: President: John Corsmit (NL). Among the members are Basil Tye (GB), Hubert de Harlez (B) and Herbert Schmitz (D),
6. Calendar Group: President: Herbert Schmitz (*), with reeresentatives from France, Germany, USA, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Belgium and Sweden.
7. Historical Cars: President: Johnny Lurani (I). Vice-President: Kenneth Neve (G)3). Among the members are Michael Bowler (GB), Philippe Renault (F), George Minden (CND).
8. Formula One : President: Tom Binford (USA). Michael Boeri (MC) and John Corsmit (NL)— CSI members. P. Chevalier (F) and Mal Currie (USA)—Race Organisers. H. Schmitz (0) and Alex Blignnut (SA)—Deputy Organisers. Two representatives from the Constructors. Two representatives from the Sponsors—Philip Morris (Marlboro) and ELF. Two representatives from the drivers (GPDA).
NB.—(Cli) Switzerland, (13) Belgium, (013) Great Britain, (17) France, (I/ Italy, (I)) Germany, (OR) Greece, (MC) Monte Carlo, (USA) United States of America, (CND) Canada. (SA) South Africa, (NIL) Nederland.

In addition to these working sub-committees there is an International Court of Appeal comprising two members from each of twelve countries, and our two are N. Mills-Baldwin and C. A. S. (Tony) Brooks, and their job is to sort out protests, infringement of rules, bad behaviour and suchlike.

As can be seen, our sport on an International scale doesn't just happen, nor does it look after itself, its control and management involves a great number of people and a great deal of time.—D.S.J.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Главное, что меня поражает - это комиссия "Формулы-1". Если уже в 1976 году в ней была такая демократия, зачем ФОКА и ФИСА в 1979 году надо было драться за передел мест в ней? Ведь в итоге состав комиссии получился таким же - да он и сейчас в общих чертах такой...

Сергей Мингазов:
Эта комиссия была создана в октябре 1975 года: http://archive.motorsportmagazine.com/article/october-1975/30/continental-notes

--- Цитировать ---Page 30, October 1975
Continental Notes

CSI Formula One

IN MILAN recently the CS! made some instant decisions concerning Formula One racing as part of a short-term policy, and formulated a group to consider Formula One in the long-term. This "CSI Formula One Group" will consist of the President of the CSI and two representatives each from the CSI, the organisers. the constructors, the sponsors, and the drivers. To take effect from May .2nd next year, the date of the Spanish Grand Prix which is the fit* World Championship event in Europe. the following details have been announced, the aim being better safety and to reduce the cornering speeds of Formula One cars. (Those in charge of our destinies still think safety is linked with cornering speech!):
1. Formula One cars must have substantial structures extending forward of the pedals for the protection of the driver's legs and feet. (A lesson learnt from the accidents to Millwood and Ashley.)
2. There will have to be a supplementary roll-over bar around the instrument panel and a straight-line from the highest point of this to the highest point of the main roll-over bar must pass over the driver's helmet. (This is an itderesting problem and drivers who "lie low" like Merzario will be at a premium.)
3. Oil coolers and pipes must be protected by deformable structures at least 10 mm. thick, and the oil tank must also have this protective covering. (This could produce oil-temperature probleins.).
4. The maximum overhang of the rear aerofoil, which is at present 1 metre or 100 centimetres behind the centre-line of the rear axle, must be no more than 80 centimetres behind the centre-line. (A cheese-paring, half-hearted decision.)
S. The maximum overhang for any front aerofoil device, which is at present unlimited, is fixed at a maximum of 120 centimetres ahead of the front axle centre-line. (This is fair enough, but Ferrari and McLaren will have to watch it if they continue wheelbase length experiments by altering front wishbone angles fore and Aft.)
6. Rear wheels complete with tyres, are limited to a maximum width of 21 in. the wheel diameter being fixed at 13 in.
7. The maximum overall width of a Formula One pa is set at 215 centimetres (which should not worry anyone, , now that narrow-track cars are in fashion).
8. The maximum height for the engine aircollector box is set at 85 centimetres and 80 centimetres maximum for the top of the orifice. These distances to be measured from the lowest part of the suspended structures. (They must have been talking to Harvey Postlethwaite and looking at the new I lesketh; scrutineering of this should be amusing.)

To round it all up the CS! have decided that they cannot think of a new Formula for Grand Prix racing so the present engine capacity limit of 3-litres will remain in force until December 1981. with the existing limitation of 12 cylinders. On the sports-car and long-distance racing scene a maximum duration of [Our hours has been imposed except for Le Mans), so that the classic .000-kilometre races will have to get their skates on if they don't want to be demoted to the Spa 913 kilometres, or the ADAC 732 kilometres. In spite of this reduction not tieing popular with the cornpetitors the CSI made the decision, presumably for the good of the sport. (Whatever that might mean.)

--- Конец цитаты ---
По всей видимости, с октября 1975 года правила чемпионата вообще и технический регламент в частности начали разрабатываться при участии всех заинтересованных сторон. Это просто идеально согласуется с ранее выкопанными вопросами, такими, как: а) экспотенциальное расширение регламента формулы #1 в приложении J, начиная с 1975 года; б) появление в календаре чемпионата Гран-при Европы, не являвшегося "Гранд-эпрев", невменяемых названий типа Grand Race in Japan, и гонок на ещё не проверенных трассах, начиная с 1976 года.

Проблема, видимо, возникла тогда, когда Балестр начал игнорировать решения этой комиссии и проталкивать новый технический регламент (без юбок) мимо нее, через техническую комиссию и исполнительный комитет.

А стало это возможным, вероятно, потому, что статус комиссии не был закреплен, и её решения не считались МСК обязательными. Поэтому-то в Договоре согласия и закрепили так чётко процедуру принятия правил через комиссию, а техническую и спортивную комиссию подчинили ей... Выглядит логично.

Сергей Мингазов:
Не в октябре. Я нашел четкую дату - 10 мая 1975 года. Статья в El Mundo Deportivo за 11 мая, стр. 16 (http://hemeroteca.mundodeportivo.com/preview/1975/05/11/pagina-16/1001750/pdf.html#):

--- Цитировать ---Mónaco, 10. (De nuestro enviado especial.) - El tema de la seguridad en los circuitos es el punto neurálgico sobre el que gravita todo lo qué está ahora en discusión. Por ello, y tras el accidente de Montjuich, no es de extrañar que hayan habido conversaciones entre las pates interesadas en cada una de las pruebas. Así, en Montecarlo, se acaba de hacer público un comunicado de la C.S.I. (Comisión Deportiva Internacional), que por su impotancia reproducimos a continuación:

«Por Invitación del presidente del C.S.I. los repesentantes de los constructores, pilotos, «spohsors», organizadores y delegados de la C.S.I. han creído necesario estudiar el punto en que se hallan sus relaciones. Todas las partes han convenido en la necesidad dé realizar juntos una cooperación lo más estrecha posible.

Vista la impotancia del momento, se ha decidido crear un nuevo grupo de trabajo que reúna a constructores, pilotos, organizadores y «sponsors» bajo la dirección de la C.S.I. Este grupo será el encargado de vigilar evolución de la seguridad en los circuitos y el respeto de las reglas definidas por las normas deportivas de la C.S.I.

El estudio de la evolución de los vehículos de F-1 será proseguido con el deseo de mejorar aún más, en la medida de lo posible, los problemas de seguridad.

Con este mismo espíritu de cooperación, la inspección de los circuitos será asegurada por un acuerdo entre todas las pates interesadas: organizaciones, pilotos y constructores bajo la dirección de la C.S.I.

Este Clima de cooperación y comprensión recíprocos deba ayudar a cada una de ¡as pates a favorecer un nuevo diálogo, que será beneficioso para el depote automovilista intenacional.»

Hasta aquí el comunicado. Que necesitará algunos comentarios, que en otros días realizaremos. De momento, lo que puede adelantarse tras la publicación del mismo, es que su aparición invalida radicalmente cualquier posibilidad de que le sea aplicada a Emerson Fittlpaldi, una sanción por su negativa a correr én el G. P. d'España. Tal como les indicamos el llamado «caso Fittlpialdi» ha quedado reducido a nada.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Этот кусочек хорошо подходит к паззлу и подтверждает, что изначально комиссия была рабочей группой (подкомиссией) в спортивной комиссии, целью которой было просто получение МСК мнений других заинтересованных сторон. Подобные рабочие группы создавались постоянно, функционально они были всего лишь совещаниями по опеределенным вопросам, в рамках которых подготавливались проекты и решения, которые в комиссиях уже дорабатывались и принимались. А когда в 1979 году комиссия стала федерацией, конфликт ФИСА и ФОКА разгорелся вокруг того, должна ли старая рабочая группа стать полноценной комиссией и получить право принимать решения, или же, как хотел Балестр, решения должны были приниматься технической и спортивной комиссиями. В итоге рабочая группа "Формулы-1" в августе-сентябре 1979 года превратилась в комиссию "Формулы-1", статус которой был юридически закреплен Договором согласия, и которая до сих пор и является основным законодательным органом "Формулы-1".

El Mundo Deportivo - хороший источник. В Autosport, например, не встречалось информации об этой рабочей группе до 1979 года, и в 1979 году речь велась только о создании новой комиссии. Чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров  :)


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